Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Another Non-Biking Event! Poo Poo Point 2015 11 04

Fabulous November day for a short close-in hike - went up Tiger Mountain to Poo Poo Point* and explored just a bit. Got to use the new trail running shoes which felt great today. By starting early-ish, there were only a few cars in the parking lot but it was over 80% full by the time I returned a couple of hours later. My first visit to Poo Poo Point and what a spectacular day for it with big views of the local "mountains" and Lake Sammamish. Too hazy to see the Olympic Mtns or the Cascade Mtns but on a clear day in the winter, they should be spectacular. Shown below are a couple of selfies at the viewpoints. Not sure why launching (presumably para-gliders, not missiles) isn't allowed when horses are present....... And, yes, it is November as you can see by the ice still present on a bench by the western viewpoint. Looks like there might be good mountain biking for the Bride and I also on the Tiger Mountain Access Road which ends up at the viewpoints as well. Future trips will hopefully clarify that opportunity as well!

* From a King 5 TV report: "Loggers used whistles to communicate from the logging tower operator to the workers down the hill. According to the Issaquah Historical Society, the whistle would be a signal that two logs were tied to a cable, ready to be towed.
The whistle made a sound like poo poo, hence the name Poo Poo Point."

Hike:  5.2 miles / 1886 feet elevation gain (Garmin Data) 

At Poo Poo Point

Presume this refers to para-gliders and not missiles or other projectiles

At Western-most View Point

Ice on bench this morning!

The route today

The Elevation Gain (and Loss)

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